Vedtørka Kafé

Vedtørka Kafé is open

The café, Vedtørka, is located right out on the point with a sweeping panoramic view of the water and is perfect for that very special party, anniversary, confirmation, christening or wedding. The venue is also suitable as a large meeting room or course room.

The café itself is about 85 square meters and can be furnished with small tables or long tables. There is a large terrace around the entire building where it is a pleasure to stay on good weather days. Your party will be remembered for a long time, the surroundings take care of that alone. During the actual timber floating process, the building was used as a so-called "wood dryer". The building had gaps between all the planks in all the walls, and a separate and very special slotted floor, so that plenty of air and wind could enter from all sides, so that the timber and wood stored inside the building would dry quickly and from all sides at the same time.

The café is normally operated as a café with simple food service with opening hours on weekends and during seasons. Otherwise, the café can be rented as a function room. The café has a liquor license.

Åpningstider sommer 2024

(Opening hours may change according to season)

Torsdag kl. 12.00 – 21.00

Fredag og lørdag kl. 10.00 – 22.00

Søndag kl. 10.00 – 16.00


Ordinære åpningstider

Vedtørka Kafé
Torsdager kl. 17 – 21.00 (fra april, ut september)
Lørdager kl. 10 – 16.00 
Søndager kl. 10 – 16.00

Meny i Vedtørka Kafé

Småretter / Lunsj
  • Hjemmelaget Wienertoast Kr 39,-
  • Baguetter m/div pålegg Fra Kr 59,-
  • Rekesmørbrød (i sesong) Kr 149,-
Varmmat Lunsj / Middag
  • Bakt potet m/valgfritt tilbehør Kr 149,-
  • Sesongens suppe (Fiskesuppe / Viltkjøttsuppe) m/focaccia Kr 159,-
Dessert / Kaker / Iskrem
  • Kakedisk m/stort utvalg (ofte 15+ kakesorter) Fra Kr 39,-
  • Iskrembar med rikholdig innhold - kuleis Fra Kr 39,-
  • Diverse, nøtter, potetgull etc. Kr 10,-
Varme drikker
  • Coffee / Tea / Cocoa Kr 35,-
Kalde drikker
  • Mineralvann / Eplemost / Lettøl Fra Kr 35,-
Alkoholholdige drikker
  • Øl 0,5 liter - flere varianter Kr 110,-
  • Cider - varierende utvalg Fra Kr 110,-
  • Rødvin / Hvitvin – glass Kr 110,-
  • Rødvin / Hvitvin / Bobler – flaske Fra Kr 489,-

A warm welcome to idyllic Furuholmen!

See Vedtørka's construction

Below you can see pictures of what Vedtørka was like before, during the renovation and what it looks like today.